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Материалы на английском языке


Engaging with Children in Humanitarian Evaluations: Lessons Learned on the Use of Photovoice in WCAR


An Introduction to Using Stories in Research by Richard A. Krueger.


Not just a story. Making use of experiences and stories in evaluation. A workbook is about collecting, analysing and reporting on people’s experiences.


Storytelling Approaches to Program Evaluation: An Introductory Guid. This document provides a practical introduction to storytelling approaches to program evaluation.


Storytelling Approaches to Program Evaluation: An Introduction.This document provides a practical introduction to storytelling approaches being successfully applied in grassroots program evaluation.


A guide to using storytelling to evaluate impact.


Photovoice. Resources (examples, guides, literature) from Better evaluation.


Exploring how benefciaries/customers describe their impact expectations. Conducted by Social Spider CIC on behalf of The Impact Management Project


IS FEEDBACK SMART? Elina Sarkisova, JUNE 2016


Inclusion of User Voices in Social Change: Barriers and Opportunities.  Prepared by The Social Investment Consultancy


Involving users in shaping services. Shona Curvers, Erica Bertolotto, Rachel Tait


Beyond accountability: feedback as transformation. How organizations are using feedback, the challenges they face, and how they can be overcome


The lean data field guide. Tips For Collecting Customer Data to Build More Impactful Businesses


Feedback Mechanisms In International Assistance Organization. This report is based on research undertaken by The Listening Project and was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


MAKE IT COUNT Why impact matters in user involvement.This paper argues for a greater focus in the charity sector on what user involvement aims to achieve, and better efforts to evidence the difference it can make


Meaningful Parent Leadership: A Guide for Success. FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention


Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism PRACTICE NOTES. Practical tips for navigating challenges that are often experienced in establishing a Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism  


How ‘help seekers’ are informing Lifeline’s digital service innovation. SVA Quarterly


Listening to Those Who Matter Most, the Beneficiaries By Fay Twersky, Phil Buchanan, & Valerie Threlfall


Standard on applying Principle 1: Involve stakeholders Version 2.0 This document has been co-produced by the Methodological Sub-committee (MSC) of Social Value International (SVI) published in March 2019


The Core Principles of Constituent Feedback Feedback Labs


Learning with Constituents A guide to identifying, documenting and analyzing evidence of impact (planned or unplanned), and learning from this in dialogue with constituents


The Power of Feedback: Solving Wicked Problems through Listening and Learning Prepared by pfc Social Impact Advisors


CONSTITUENT VOICE TECHNICAL NOTE 1 Version 1.1, September 2014


Feedback 101 Introduction to the concepts and practice of feedback and includes a collection of our favorite stories and resources for understanding feedback across sectors and contexts


Perceptual Feedback: What’s it all about? Technical note prepared for fund for shared insight


Harnessing the power of client feedback. SVA Quarterly

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